The Tipping Point

A full-service marketing and consulting business born to serve your broad range of needs in the hospitality & lifestyle space.

shifthappens   work   services

The point at which a series of small changes or incidents become significant enough to cause a larger, more important change.

Shift Happens

As the lifestyle space evolves on a daily basis, your marketing efforts need to be informed by an agency that is living and breathing this shift every day. We obsess about uncovering a genuine opportunity for our clients.

From this point, we strive to deliver insight, strategies, and marketing programs to ensure maximum exposure and revenue. We ensure our campaigns are strategised to be digested by most people, not just the few.

We uncover the elements that create a buzz in all lifestyle verticals – the new, the shareable, the brag-gable, the exclusive, the limited, and the bespoke.


TTP is built from teams that are engaged to drive awareness, strategy, creative and most importantly revenue for our broad range of clients.

Our suite of services focus on distilling the core purpose of your business and ensuring the messaging is delivered in the most effective method possible.


There has never been a period where clear messaging is more important.

Managing our group of venues and products puts us front and centre of reading the temperature of the current environment, as well as knowing exactly what key stakeholders and the public want to see and hear from your brand.

Services include:

  • Brand Development Workshops
  • Product Development
  • Marketing Strategy & Planning
  • Content Strategy & Creation
  • PR and Graphic Artist Engagement & Briefing
  • Content Amplification (Media Buying)